Christian Godefroy Has Passed Away
Today, I have some very sad news to share with all of you. Christian Godefroy has passed away!
Christian Godefroy has been one of the top marketers and copywriters on the European continent for some time. He was a French author of books about self-improvement and positive thinking. He started a publishing company, and this is still active today and has published more than a hundred books. He initiated CORESPRIT, an annual meeting of all self-improvement leaders, with thousand of visitors.
#21 Quote of the day - Dalai Lama
Notre livre de vie..
Chaque jour, la Vie vous offre une page blanche dans le livre de votre existence.
Votre passé est déjà écrit, vous ne pouvez le changer ; dans ses pages vous retrouverez votre histoire, quelques pages sont coloriées d’autre sont plus sombres…
De beaux souvenirs des temps heureux ou des pages que vous désirez arracher à tout jamais…
Aujourd’hui vous avez l’opportunité d’écrire une nouvelle page.
C’est à vous seule d’en choisir les couleurs, même dans les adversités vous pouvez ajouter des rayons de sérénité pour les changer en une belle expérience.
Windows 8 also available in Tamazight
The newest version of Microsoft Operating system Windows 8, which has generated a lot of buzz in the IT industry, offers to the Berber-speaking populations across North Africa (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Libya) the possibility of using their personnel computers in their native spoken language.
#20 Quote of the day - Mark Gonzales
Apple iPhone 5 Finally and Formally Arrives!
Thinnest, Lightest iPhone Ever Features All-New Aluminum Design, Stunning 4-Inch Retina Display, A6 Chip & Ultrafast Wireless
After 25 years, Microsoft has finally changed their company logo
It’s been 25 years since we’ve updated the Microsoft logo and now is the perfect time for a change. This is an incredibly exciting year for Microsoft as we prepare to release new versions of nearly all of our products. From Windows 8 to Windows Phone 8 to Xbox services to the next version of Office, you will see a common look and feel across these products providing a familiar and seamless experience on PCs, phones, tablets and TVs.
18 Phrases et citations positives
#Citation 1
Si vous souhaitez qu'on reconnaisse votre valeur, sachez d'abord reconnaître celle d'autrui. John Marks Templeton
#Citation 2
En aidant les autres, vous développez quelque chose en vous-même. C'est ce que je réponds toujours à ceux qui me demandent pourquoi je m'occupe tellement des autres ; parce que je sens que cela me fait du bien, ça agit favorablement sur moi. Voilà, alors et vous,...
#Citation 3
#19 Quote of the day - Belle Citation
The Zen Master and the Scorpion
A Zen master saw a scorpion drowning and decided to draw it from the water, and when he did, the scorpion stung him. Because of the pain, the master dropped the animal which fell in the water. The master attempted a second time to get it out of the water and the animal stung him again. Someone who was observing approached the master and said:
- Excuse me, but you are stubborn! Don’t you understand that whenever you’ll attempt to pull it out of the water, it will sting you? The master replied: